drug addiction

Drug Addiction Doctor Near Me, Burbank CA

Individuals with substance abuse problems have a medical condition in which health, social functioning, and substance abuse control are severely compromised. We at Trew Law Offices provide the finest substance abuse therapy possible. Our knowledgeable group will customize a treatment plan for you to help you eliminate your addiction issues. 

What is Addiction Medicine?
An addiction medicine is drugs used to help addicted persons stop chronic drug or alcohol seeking and use. Addiction medicine may be used to treat various addiction issues and substance use disorders (SUD) including:
• Tobacco Use Disorder
• Alcohol Use Disorder
• Opioid Use Disorder

Symptoms of Drug/Alcohol Addiction

Some common symptoms of drug or alcohol addiction include:

  • Inability to control emotional input
  • Regular failure to show up or follow through on plans
  • A user frequently experiences shame and fears social disgrace
  • Withdrawn behavior and responding with animosity

Drug Addiction Doctor Near Me – Contact us Today! 

We are committed to ensuring your overall health is in excellent condition. We make this possible by attending to all general medicine issues, existing and potential, during your visit.