covid-19 booster

Procedure For Administering COVID-19 Boosters in Burbank

Our specialists start by finding out whether or not you are eligible for a COVID-19 Booster Shot. In administering the booster, we use the same vaccine product used for the primary series. However, patients are allowed to choose a different vaccine for the booster dose if they want. Our team of experts will discuss each type of vaccine’s individual risks and benefits.

Furthermore, our qualified experts can offer to match and mix vaccines for boosters for individuals that are 18 years and above. Our trusted team ensures that immunecompromised patients are given the same type of boosters doses as their initial vaccine. For non-immunocompromised people, our specialist educates you on our booster products’ peculiar risks and benefits.

Contact Us Today

For your COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses, contact us today at our practice to book an appointment. Our dedicated team will be happy to meet with you and enlighten you about your available options.